The Bishonen Cave


Trunks's Gallery
Vegeta's Gallery
Piccolo's Gallery
Goku's Gallery
Sephiroth's Gallery
Cloud's Gallery
Vincent's Gallery
Squall's Gallery
Magus' Gallery
Aya's Gallery
Yoji's Gallery
Omi's Gallery
Ken's Gallery
Gourry's Gallery
Zelgadiss' Gallery
Valgarv's Gallery
Xelloss Gallery
Marron's Gallery
Carrot's Gallery
Gateau's Gallery
Milphey's Gallery
Spike's Gallery
Vicious's Gallery
Gren's Gallery
Dark Schneider's Gallery
Vash's Gallery
Zech's Gallery
Duo's Gallery
Trowa's Gallery
Heero's Gallery
Ranma's Gallery
Ryoga's Gallery
Kenshin's Gallery
Sanosuke's Gallery
Joe's Gallery
Orson's Gallery
Mosquition's Gallery
Carrot's Gallery

Here is where you can check out pictures of Carrot from Bakuretsu Hunters

well what a nifty picture

WUZ UP!?!?!?!?!?!?!

AHHHHH!!!! Watch out!!!

OMG you killed Kenny!

Merry Christmas from Carrot

Yes Carrot we wanna see your sword too

What's wrong Carrot are you lost?

Carrot Glace


Name: Carrot Glace
Sex: He would say yes please
Age: 17
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Black
Family: Younger brother: Marron
Mother: Apricot Glace
Father: Onion
Other: Carrot reminds me of a japanese version of Jonny Bravo...always trying to score with the chicks but ends up getting beaten up.